Brown Sugar Large Waterproof Travel Bag/Large
You know what this song reminds me of? It reminds me of that 90s R&B song called Brown Sugar, Every time I see this bag that song starts playing in my head. Are you brown sugar? If so you may like this bag to step up your travel game. It's the perfect companion for all your adventures, from weekend getaways to globetrotting. With this bag by your side, you'll be feeling as sweet as brown sugar, So go ahead, treat yourself to this must-have accessory - you deserve it!
• 36.47 Oz. Made from high-grade nylon fabric, durable and lightweight.
• Features microfiber PU leather top handle and binding for comfortable carrying.
• Dimensions: 53cm x 30.5cm x 25cm.
• One main compartment, big enough to bring purse, cosmetic case, sunglasses, etc.
• One interior pocket for small items.
• Sturdy faux leather portable belt and adjustable shoulder strap.